Grant Writing

Grant Writing Tips
Status of a Charity
What do the different status mean and how does it affect my organisations grant application?
Due to ATO regulations, most grant funding The Cardinia Foundation distributes each year, needs to be endorsed by Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) or Charity Tax Concession (CTC) Status.
DGR of an organisation may need to hold item 1 or CTC status. To best understand your organisations status, head over to the Australian Business Register and look up your ABN
In some cases we are able to distribute funds to organisations that do not hold the above status, depending on how the grant is able to be funded.
Incorporated Associations
Becoming an incorporated association means that the members have decided to give their organisation a formal legal structure. This also means that the club or community group becomes a ‘legal person’, which is a legal entity that stays the same even if its members change. The legal entity can enter into contracts in its own name; for example, to borrow money or buy equipment. Incorporation protects the individual members of the association from legal liabilities.
Your organisation may be eligible to apply for more government and non-government grants.
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