Community Grants

Over the past two decades we have distributed over $900,000 to support our local community.

Community Grant Application now open!

Applications are open from 9.00am 19th March – 3.00pm 24th April 2025 for the annual Community Grant.

Not for proifit organisations that have projects that are based in the Cardinia Shire and will benefit Cardinia residents can apply for this grant.

To start your application click here to get started.


If you would like to view an example of the form without setting up an account  click here to download.

If you need any assistance, please email us at

Download the below to read before making a start on your application:

2023 Grant Recipients

We wish to congratulate our 2023 grant recipients.

A Better Life For Foster Kids
The majority of children enter out-of-home-care with just the clothes they are wearing.

This grant provides support for Crisis Cases For Emergency Foster Care. Wheeled suitcases which provide children of all ages with approximately 55 items of clothing along with toiletries, hand-made dolls, and activity books especially written for children entering care.

Every Thursday evening, the ADRA Community Bus is located at Bourke Park in Pakenham to support people in need. This grant provided funds to help fill the repurposed bus with fresh produce, food pantry items, material aid and tents/swags for people who are homeless. ADRA provides food provisions for families and individuals in crisis.
Bunyip Football Club
Defibrillators save lives. The first eight minutes after a person has a cardiac arrest are the most critical and early access to CPR and defibrillation can increase the likelihood of survival by up to 75 per cent. Players, supporters, volunteers and spectators at Bunyip Recreation Reserve can find the new defib on the outside of the change room wall thanks to this grant.
Cardinia Men's Shed
The Cardinia Men’s Shed is very community focused and seeks to assist where possible. To increase their impact throughout Cardinia, this grant provides funding for a trailer specifically designed to allow for service of BBQ events plus pick up and deliveries of supplies and products. This grant was supported by the Cardinia Casey Biggest Ever Blokes.
Rapid Relief Team Ltd
The Cardinia Food Box Project provides food to feed a family of four for up to 48 hours.The Rapid Relief Team work closely with local welfare organisations to ensure the Food Boxes are distributed to those most in need. Organisations supported include Orange Door Pakenham, Emerald Community House and Turning Point Pakenham.
This grant was supported by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund.
Toy Libraries Australia Inc
The Pakenham and District Toy Library was supported to purchase toys and equipment which are now available for all Cardinia residents to borrow. This service, which reopened in 2023 provides toys to families at a low cost, helping families to save money on buying new toys and reduce toy waste to landfill. It also provides social support for parents and children. This grant was supported by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund.
Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre
The Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre Early Learning Centre received a grant to build capacity in emotional regulation, resilience and social skills post lockdowns. This project will provide tailored activities and programs that focus on developing a variety skills, knowledge and strategies for all the children who attend the Centre.

How to Support Our Grant Program

If you would like to donate to help support our Grants Program, please click the link to explore donation options:

If you are a representative of a not-for-profit Community Organisation or Charity and would like to receive Grants information please use the contact form